Tuesday, March 10, 2009

How not to say anything

Another example of an urban narrative - graffity with a "point". Althoug it seems that the author has nothing to say he/she does it with a bold statement. I think all of us can somewhat relate to the message. I often get overwhelmed by the overflow of information and I sense somekind of an obligation to create content myself... if you don't publish, you don't exist on the web. But what if I have nothing to say? Is it acceptable to be only a media consumer in the world of web 2.0?

Image borrowed from Geroli's post.

Urban forms of narrative

This is relatively new graffity. The overprass is near the place where I grew up and it's a favorite spot for graffity artists. Just recently I discovered that the previous graffity had been "erased". But this seemed to be an invitation and "a clean page" for new artists to try their skills. I like this kind of graffity because someone has put real effort into painting this. It's more than the usual scribbled profanity. A narrative is in there somewhere... with two characters. They seem happy. The flower is a nice touch. Perhaps a female influence?